Sunday, February 15, 2015


I've seen a lot of people complaining about the nature of these assessments, PARCC and Pearson, length of tests, developmentally inappropriate readings and questions.  They serve little purpose, but to pass some inaccurate judgement on teachers and public schools. They certainly do not benefit students, and do nothing to inform instruction (despite what the state may have told you). Unfortunately, none of this is new except for the outrage. I'm OK with that. It's about time.

It feels good to complain. I understand. 

The testing window opens on Tuesday. Expand your complaint this week. Go beyond that Facebook rant or the water cooler discussion with your like-minded coworkers (I think I'm most guilty of this one, so I'll take my own advice). I understand that sometimes it's difficult to know just what to do. Don't overthink it. Do something.

Write a letter to the editor here.

Contact an Ohio Legislator, or two, or ALL OF THEM here.

Be an agitator. Be a rabble-rouser. The people in power are beginning to listen. Let's be louder.

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